March '17

January '17

His Grace Bishop David has implemented the standardized congregation responses in all the churches of The New York/New English Diocese. Here is the press release.

His Eminence Bishop Serpaion wants to get buy in from all the churches in the LA diocese, and the other bishops have agreed to do the same, before announcing it official. We are waiting to hear a tentative timeline.

October '16

The EHC standardized the standard Gospel Response and the concluding hymn. The bishops will be meeting in November to finalize the congregation liturgical responses.

May / June '16

The EHC is working on hymns for the Apostles Fast: Response to the ActsGospel Response, and the communion hymn

February '16

The EHC has approved and standardized the Paralex hymn of the Great Fast, Our Lord. Solo & Chorus

January '16

As proposed by Bishop Serapion, the Committee will begin standardizing seasonal hymns and place the proposed congregation responses on hold.  The Committee will be reviewing a SUS diocese album and Lent hymns for approval.

September '15

The English Hymns Committee (EHC) has been established by the bishops of North America.  Feedback of the proposed congregation responses will occur at the next bishop meeting.

The hymns posted on this site have been approved by the English Hymns Committee (EHC), under the blessing and guidance of the North American Bishops. Any proposed English hymns may be sent to Coptic Hymns in for approval.